Who are we?
If we are to expect professionalism, ethics, and due diligence, we must be prepared to give those things, and more. one of the strongest principles we teach, is to expect exactly what you give. that starts by not calling the process of handling insurance claims a “game.” It is not a game, and not something to be won. suggesting it is, is trivializing the very existence of the insurance, the sacrifices made to have it, and keep it, as well as the tragedy that befalls an insured after a loss. if you do it, you allow them to do it.
I cannot recall a single thing i have lost by keeping this philosophy. I can and will teach you everything I know about what it is has given me. Melanie and Shaun will do the same. That i know of, all past graduates feel the same… we want… no need to see you persevere when the odds are against you, and your back is up against the wall, you will no longer be alone. not only us… a small army has already graduated.
We are, after all, practitioners, not academics. we must make sure not to harm our clients while trying to help them.
The claim adjusting practices taught by InsuranceBusters.net (“IBN”) at the Public Adjuster Boot Camp (“PABC”) are an industry changer. I highly recommend this course to any PIA and to any attorney handling first-party property damage claims (I am an attorney). Attendees are taught to handle claims in a manner that prepares every claim for litigation. Any attorney that receives a file from a Boot Camp graduate will be pleasantly surprised; the file will be organized, and insurance company infractions will be well documented and supported by evidence. The claim organization and documentation practices taught at PABC are impeccable. The main beneficiaries of the practices taught at PABC are insureds. PABC teaches PIAs to handle claims in a manner that allows insureds to benefit from laws enacted to protect insureds, resulting in insureds obtaining the coverage that they paid for (not more and not less). The practices taught at PABC ensure insureds are fully indemnified for their losses without seeking unjustified coverage. Every aspect of the claim handling process taught at PABC is based on ethical behavior with the insureds’ best interest in mind. It is evident that everyone at IBN is passionate about protecting insureds irrespective of the value of each claim. Anyone who attends PABC will receive more than what they paid for the course. Classes are limited in size and are taught in an open discussion manner, making the classes very captivating (the 5 days of classes are done before you know it). In addition, great relationships are built with the IBN team and other attendees. I highly recommend this course. Thank you Cal & Melanie Spoon and attorney Shaun Hodge for all of the valuable insight, and thank you for doing what you do.
In 30 years of being a insurance adjuster and 3 years working as a PIA all I can say is that the best training I have received in my insurance carrier has been this last week at Public Adjuster Bootcamp. This training has been a eye opener. Thank you so much for making this available Cal, Shawn and Melanie. I feel I finally have the tools to be a real Public Insurance Adjuster. I finally have to tools to finally "Protect The Insured". If you have not gone make arrangements today....
Tracy Hollingsworth Independent Adjuster turned PIA
Public Adjusters, Roofers, Contractors, Carrier Adjusters, Attorneys
Phenomenal course. This company has MASTERED the rubik's cube of public adjusting and holding insurance carriers accountable under the provisions of the insurance (not internal) policy. I honestly cannot recommend this course enough. This should be the pre-licensure education requirement in EVERY state. I'm blown away.
Zach Tinker Public Adjuster/Attorney at Law