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Roofers/Contractors/IA/Staff Adjusters/PIA/Attorneys/Appraisers, this class IS for YOU.


You need to know how a claim REALLY works. From the start to the finish, and everything in between... regardless of what your current title is. I would estimate that at least half of all graduates were/are contractors. Many of those have left reviews, link below. If you deal in insurance claims at any level, then here is where it all changes, and goes back to the rules. May not like them, but once you understand them, it changes everything... for the better. 


While the name is 'Public Adjuster Boot Camp'... the lessons are for ANYONE who performs on an insurance claim.


We are heading into our 5th year. 


Find the reviews of what all of your colleagues who have attended say here: PABC Reviews


When the process is understood, EVERYONE can pick a lane, and stay right there in it, where they are safe, and able to earn today, tomorrow, and well into the future. 


This means that every insured you touch, will realize that safety and confidence you have earned.


Education and consistency is the key, and we have gotten pretty good at it over the last 4 years. 


February 5-9, 2024 8am-5pm

902 51st Street

Galveston, Texas 77551


If financing is the issue, it is not. Contact me directly. Here on the messenger, Facebook, email.

We also sponsor one veteran per camp. Full ride. 


Typical Curriculum 


Cal Spoon

Roofers/Contractors/IA/Staff/PIA/Attorneys, this class IS for YOU.

SKU: 001-24
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